It’s easy in today’s world to become overwhelmed with the chaos, feel defeated and helpless. With these simple steps, you can begin to find peace in chaos once again.

Turning on the news in 2023 can be a risk. Along with the knowledge of what is going on in the world comes the incredibly heavy weight of carrying it around. You may feel a sense of helplessness as the world around you seems to fall into more and more chaos everyday. Or, as you read or watch what has just recently happened, you may just become numb to it all; placing it far away in your mind in an attempt to protect yourself from the heartache.
Life, as we’ve all come to know, isn’t going to be without chaos, gloom, and sadness. The good news is that there are strategies you can use to find peace in chaos that can help you to regain control of your mind and your spirit no matter where you are.
Table of Contents
- A Look at the World Today
- Strategy #1: Focus on What You Can Control
- Strategy #2: Be Intentional.
- Strategy #3: Do something for others.
- Strategy #4: Find your happy place.
- Strategy #5: Surround yourself with loved ones.
- Final Thoughts
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A Look at the World Today
I think before we dive into specific strategies to learn to cope with chaos, it’s important to note how our world is designed. We are a consumeristic society driven by money. Everything is created to help you because the way you live right now isn’t good enough. At least, that’s what we’re told.
We are literally taught to be unhappy so that our problems can be “fixed” with products and consumables. But, our problems can’t be fixed entirely. The products need to make you happy, but not so happy that you’re completely satisfied. Satisfaction prevents you from needing more, and without a need for more, you’re not consuming. Need an example?
A consumeristic master plan
Let’s look at the natural process of aging. It is something we all must go through; a part of life that is as easy as breathing. Yet, though it is something everyone experiences, we’re taught that aging is ugly: wrinkles, gray hair, sagging skin are all the opposite of what is beautiful. We’re taught to fear aging as something evil that takes away beauty. And without beauty, what is left?
So people begin to seek opportunities to stop or slow the inevitable. As a culture, we spend millions on products that are supposed to help slow down the process of aging, and yet, our bodies continue to change with age. And so in vain, we continue to seek out other products that might stop or slow this process. The cycle continues.
Aging is just one small example. But the message applies to many parts of the world today, and that’s important. The world is not designed to make you happy. It’s designed to make you buy. And that’s an important distinction that needs to be made.
On that thought, let’s dive into ways that we can find peace in chaos, despite the world’s current consumeristic voice.
Strategy #1: Focus on What You Can Control
When the world seems to be crumbling around you with mass shootings, natural disasters, and increasing violence, it’s easy to feel helpless. I mean, what can I do in my little corner to make a difference in some of these bigger issues?
You don’t have to solve the issue today, and the truth is, you won’t solve the issue today. But you probably can do something that can make some kind of impact on the issue and that can be a step towards the right direction. If everyone takes small steps towards helping with these issues, no matter how small, we’re still stepping together towards solutions.
Find a way to make a difference. Donating blood, hugging and teaching your own children, taking time to thank people who are actively working against the problem you see, can truly impact your own happiness and help you to find peace in chaos. Taking control of something and focusing your mind on the fact that you are making a difference (even a small one!) can make a world of difference for your own peace and happiness.
Strategy #2: Be Intentional.
Who you choose to surround yourself with, what you choose to consume, what you use as entertainment; those things all make a difference. To really find peace in chaos, you need to be intentional about what you choose to allow into your precious mental space.
I’m not saying to be completely naïve to the world. But at the same time, don’t carry the world’s burdens on your back either. If watching the news is too much to bear, then don’t bear it. Choose to stay up to date on local news and trust that family and friends will let you know if there’s something major you should be aware of.
Is social media consuming your time? Are you scrolling to get a glimpse into other people’s lives instead of taking time to actually live your own? Be intentional with the time you give to others and try to make sure you’re using that time in a way that can make you feel happy and connected. If social media isn’t doing that for you, see if you can find other ways to do that.
Strategy #3: Do something for others.
Something you can do that almost always improves your own happiness and peace is to do something for others. When you’re feeling overwhelmed by chaos, ask yourself what you can do to be a light for someone else. An easy idea guide might include:
- Bake sweet treats or dinner to share with a family/friend
- Pay a visit to an elderly relative
- Bring flowers to someone
- Write a handwritten note
- Complete a chore or task for someone else (mow someone’s lawn, scrape snow off of a windshield in winter, etc.)
- Write a thank you note to someone and complete it with a gift basket
Whatever you choose to do, spreading kindness is going to be good in multiple ways. Not only are you putting good into the world, but you are also able to find some peace in chaos for yourself as well.
Strategy #4: Find your happy place.
Yep, just like in Happy Gilmore, finding your happy place is really important. You’ll want to find out where you can go that really refreshes you, recharges you, and gets you ready to face another day.
For many people, that place is in nature. Allowing yourself to completely focus on the sounds you hear in nature, the wonder of each tiny part of the world, and clearing your mind of all else can be meditative and calming. Grounding, or directly touching your skin to the earth, can also be extremely beneficial to your overall mental health by allowing you to reconnect your energy to the earth.
Strategy #5: Surround yourself with loved ones.
For many, your family is your comfort zone and your safe place. Make time to spend quality time with them, enjoying conversation (avoid high-stress topics! Keep it positive!) and fellowship amongst them. Allow yourself to relax, enjoy time with your family, and make positive, lasting memories that will stick with you for your entire life.
Looking for ideas on ways to spend quality time? It doesn’t have to be complicated!
- Invite friends or family over for dinner
- Have a camp fire
- Host a family game night
- Take a camping trip together
- Have a family picnic at a scenic location (or even at home!)
- Try a family competition night (cook-off, bake-off, or something!)
- Go fishing together
Whatever you choose to do, just look for ways you can connect with family and friends in low-stress, fun, and happy environments.
Final Thoughts
This world’s problems aren’t going away any time soon. All we can do is learn to find peace in chaos as best we can. What strategies do you find to helpful to find peace in chaos? Leave a comment!
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